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Pre-Production Phase

Congratulations, you have received approval for your project and are ready to prepare! The Pre-Production Phase is the second phase in Conestoga's OER Production Workflow. The goal of this phase is to complete the details of the project and complete technical training in H5P and the Pressbooks publishing platform. 

1. Book an appointment with the OER Consultant to Complete Project Plan.

  • Complete project plan documents that include: 
    • Mapping course outline to content chapters 
    • Chapter titles 
    • Chapter learning outcomes 
    • Chapter outlines 
    • Chapter completion deadlines 
  • Identify potential internal and external collaborators 
  • Complete a participant agreement outlining project expectations such as roles, responsibilities, writing direct in Pressbooks or using a Word document, and targeted deadlines 

2. Complete Technical Training.

  • Determine which platform(s) best suit your project’s needs. 

  • Set up necessary accounts. 

  • Complete Pressbooks and H5P training.