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Design Phase

The Design Phase is the third stage in Conestoga's OER Production workflow. The goal of the design phase is to create content and determine how you will present that content in an engaging way to your students. 

1. Does your Project Require Pressbooks?

  • If you are working directly in Pressbooks, populate chapter titles, chapter objectives, and content headings 
  • If you are going to write in Microsoft Word, ensure your document is formatted properly for import into Pressbooks.
  • Follow APA 7th edition for citations and referencing, utilize good grammar, and ensure flow and readability for your intended audience 

2. Meet Regularly

  • Schedule regular check-in meetings with your team. 

  • Review project plan to meet your project deadlines and adjust as required (within the constraints of your participant agreement and project plan).

  • Book consultations with the OER support team as needed throughout the design phase.