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Publishing Phase

In the Publishing phase, your project will be submitted to the eCampus Ontario Open Library Portal, presented to various open collections and repositories for dissemination, and indexed in the library catalogue and institutional repository. It is time to integrate your project into the course outline and eConestoga course shell.

1. Distribute Your OER.

At this step the creator(s) will work with the Open Learning team to get your project published to various open collections and repositories.

  • Submission to the eCampusOntario Open Library 
    • If not completed already, sign up or provide your ORCiD number to the library technologist prior to upload in the eCampus Ontario Open Library Portal 
    • Provide all ancillary resources to the library technologist.
    • Identify items that instructors must be vetted to receive access.
    • A DOI will be generated for all OER textbooks, journal articles, and creations of a written nature.
  • Indexing in other repositories
    • Once the steps above are completed, your OER will be indexed in other repositories to increase its discoverability and to make reuse and adoption easier.

2. Report Your OER Adoption.

  • Creators must complete the adoption form.

  • Please include the number of sections and students over the school year in your course.

3. Market Your OER.

It's time to get the word out! Consider some of the following marketing suggestions. The Open Learning team will also assist in marketing by highlighting your project on our OER Hub and in presentations, as well as posting in the Monday Message Board.

  • Submit to your School’s monthly newsletter. 

  • Post your project’s link(s) to your social media. 

  • Consider creating an E3 presentation. 

  • Add to your LinkedIn profile. 

4. Integrate Your OER.

Once your Open Educational Resources (OER) are published you are ready to integrate into your course and your course outline. It is important to list under Student Resources all OER you are using in your course.  Ensure the language in your course outline reflects the OER and report your adoption to eCampusOntario and the OER Hub to ensure student savings are captured.

If the resources are part of an e-text program and you are replacing a previously paid resource, then ensure the Bookstore has been notified in the prior academic year and is aware of when you will begin using the OER.

Next, you will want to hyperlink the OER into your eConestoga course model shell to ensure everyone teaching and learning from the course has access to your OER.

Refer to the Adopt an OER section to see two examples of linking OER in eConestoga.

Considerations for hyperlinking OER textbooks:

  • Hyperlink the homepage of the OER in the same place students find the links to their paid resources.
  • Hyperlink specific chapters/web pages into specific weeks’ content modules in which the student should interact with the chapter to be prepared for class.
  • Hyperlink directly into the course' instructional plan.