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Review Phase

The Review phase is the sixth stage in Conestoga's OER Production workflow. The review phase is important for the sustainability of your OER project. Gather feedback from students, peers, and other users of your OER. Build in time for your own content reviews as well. Make changes to your project based on this data to keep your project current and credible. 

1. Gather Feedback.

Gathering feedback is an important aspect of your OER project. This feedback could help shape what content is included, the organization of the work, the style of authoring, or the images or figures in the work, and/or ensure the work is accurate and impactful (VCU Libraries, 2023). Feedback may be informal or formal, like peer review.

  • Gather feedback from your students, colleagues, and other users of your OER creation.
  • Tools to consider using:
    • Survey or discussion post tools in eConestoga
    • Teams or Microsoft Forms
  • Feedback question suggestions:
    • Content currency
    • Usability (ease of access, ease of navigation, links work, etc.)
    • Whether the chapter meets the stated learning objectives
    • Clarity/level of understanding of the text and writing style
    • Inclusion and diversity in the text
    • Aesthetics and design of the text (if you are sharing the final product)
    • The usefulness of pedagogical aids (e.g. glossary, problem sets)
    • Whether the examples help with the understanding of content and are relevant and current
    • Whether images or figures help with the understanding of content and are relevant and current
    • Whether any additional images, figures, or data would be helpful to the understanding of the content (VCU Libraries, 2023)

VCU Libraries. (2023, August 14). Gathering feedback on your OER. Virginia Commonwealth University.

2. Document and Incorporate Feedback.

Consider the suggestions based on feedback received from various user groups. If you need assistance making revisions, book a consultation with the Library Technologist or OER Project Consultant.

3. Republish or Publish a New Edition.

Not sure if you should re-publish or create a new edition? Book a consult with the Open Learning team. If you make updates on your own, please let the Open Library know as re-submitting to various open repositories requires a different process than a new publication.