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Importance of Flow in Lean Thinking

Fatih Yegul

Importance of Flow in Lean Thinking offers a theoretical background and animated simulations to explain the importance of one-piece flow in lean manufacturing environments, in contrast to batch production. This resource is enriched with realistic scenarios and benchmarks one-piece flow and batch flow for both small and large quantities. It also explains the concept of excess inventory hiding problems, a barrier to continuous improvement culture.


Training Kit for OER Assistants at Conestoga College BOOK COVER

Training Kit for OER Assistants at Conestoga College

Holly Ashbourne

The Training Kit for OER Assistants at Conestoga College will introduce student employees to the position of OER assistant. It provides background information on OER, building content in Pressbooks, H5P, as well as the accessibility and copyright considerations that are needed. The intention of this kit is to prepare our student employees for completing quality checks of OER adaptations and creations.


Cover of book showing a tree with giant roots and the Conestoga Open Learning logo in the bottom right corner.

Stories of Hope, Vol. 1: Reflections on Resilience

Laura Quirk

Stories of Hope: Reflections on Resilience is an ongoing project consisting of personal essays and other narrative or artistic forms. The goal of the project is to share stories of hope in the face of adversity. The essays in this first volume are first-person accounts of living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and depression, which makes it particularly relevant to students in disability studies, health care professions, and community or human service professions.


Book cover with atomic icons and a periodic table on a white field.

Enhanced Introductory College Chemistry

Gregory Anderson; Caryn Fahey; Jackie MacDonald; Adrienne Richards; Samantha Sullivan Sauer; J.R. van Haarlem; and David Wegman

Enhanced Introductory College Chemistry is a collaboratively created textbook with Georgian College, Loyalist College and Conestoga College supported by a VLS grant from eCampus Ontario. It is designed to address most chemistry topics covered in an introductory chemistry course in most program areas. Topics include measurement, matter, atomic theory, nomenclature, moles, chemical equations, stoichiometry, chemical bonding, gases, liquids, solutions, acids and bases, equilibrium and oxidation-reduction. Each chapter contains examples, relevant images, embedded videos, exercises and interactive exercises with answers, links to external interactive tools, glossary, and review practice questions with selected answers. A noted effort was made to include Indigenous examples to support chemistry learning as well as highlighting Scientists in Action. Extensive resources to support the Indigenization of chemistry and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in chemistry are provided in the front matter. Accessibility of learning material was addressed through descriptive alt-text and screen reader-supported text wherever possible.

Additional resources of image banks for faculty are also available. Authors of this book will use portions of it for introductory chemistry courses in Biotechnology, Environmental Science, College and Career Preparation and Pre-Health Science programs.


Cover art of a pineapple taped to a fish head with the book title in white text.

Food Studies: Matter, Meaning, Movement

David Szanto; Amanda Di Battista; and Irena Knezevic

Food Studies aims to help readers understand and address numerous issues within food, food culture, and food systems. These subjects transcend disciplinary boundaries and call attention to how matter, meaning, and movement produce complex and dynamic food-human realities. Chapters range from sovereignty to breastfeeding, financialization to food porn, pollination to fair trade. Embedded throughout, art, poetry, illustration, and audiovisual works offer moments to reflect on and synthesize the text-based entries. Through reading, classroom discussion, and engaging with the extensive pedagogical tools, learners and teachers alike may acquire a new sense of things foodish—along with a new sense of their own place and role within food systems themselves.

Accompanying website.


Building a Medical Terminology Foundation 2e

Kimberlee Carter; Marie Rutherford; and Connie Stevens 

Building a Medical Terminology Foundation 2e is an OER that focuses on breaking down medical terms, and learning the meaning of medical terms within the context of introductory anatomy and physiology. This resource in targeted for health office administration and health services students in the first year of their college programs.

Additional resources accompanying this edition: 

Building a Medical Terminology Foundation 2e - Student Companion Workbook 

Building a Medical Terminology Foundation 2e - Anatomical Colouring Book


Internal Auditing: A practical Approach

Internal Auditing: A Practical Approach

Amit M. Mehta

Internal Auditing: A Practical Approach provides a comprehensive overview of the field of internal auditing, including its history, role, and importance in organizations. It covers the key objectives and scope of internal auditing and the profession's latest trends and challenges. The textbook also explores professional standards and techniques for internal auditing and best practices for managing the internal audit function and implementing adequate internal controls. It also delves into the role of internal auditors in governance, risk management, and control and guides long- and short-term interior audit planning. Designed for students pursuing undergraduate degrees or accounting diplomas, this textbook is an essential resource for understanding the key concepts and practices of internal auditing.


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Auditing Information Systems: A Practical Approach

Amit M. Mehta

Auditing Information Systems: A Practical Approach is a comprehensive guide to auditing information systems (IS) that covers the latest IS auditing standards and ethical principles, IT governance, risk management, and controls, as well as newer technologies such as cloud computing and mobile applications. It is designed to help students navigate the complexities of IS auditing and manage risks effectively.


Introducción al Espanol: Spanish Workbook

Introduccion al Espanol: Spanish Workbook

Betty Múnera Rojas

Introduccion al Espanol: Spanish Workbook is an adaptation of the Spanish language textbook Introducción al Español, an Open Educational Resource by Prof. Rita Palacios. Its purpose is to complement the textbook by providing beginner-level college students with a range of interactive exercises to enhance their Spanish language skills.


Career Coaching Techniques: A Guide for Instructors

Career Coaching Techniques: A Guide for Instructors

Rob Straby

Career Coaching Techniques: A Guide for Instructors is a guide for instructors who teach career coaching and counselling courses. It takes the reader through various steps in the career coaching process, from initiating the relationship with the client to helping them explore career options. It ends with a chapter on decision-making where the client has chosen a potential career pathway. The OER presents the theories of respected academics and models the techniques used by many well-known career professionals, including the life role analysis model, also known as the Self-Portrait model, by Kris Magnusson and Dave Redekopp. It also presents activities like the vocational card sort activity that the instructor can use in class with their students. The author has the unique perspective of being a practitioner who has helped thousands of Canadians navigate career transitions, as well as an instructor of career coaching and counselling. Career Coaching Techniques is full of anecdotes from the author’s career development practice and experience as a teacher.


Therapeutic Communication for Health Care Administrators Game Simulations book cover

Therapeutic Communication for Health Care Administrators Game Simulations

Kimberlee Carter; Marie Rutherford; and Connie Stevens

Therapeutic Communication for Health Care Administrators Game Simulations are intended for learners preparing for positions in front-line healthcare settings. Recognizing the diverse titles for these types of roles, we intend that the title Health Care Administrator is an umbrella term that includes all types of front-line Health Care Administrators. These OER are intended to be used as companion resources to the digital text Health Care Communication for Health Care Administrators.


Background: Image of four people looking at a computer. Foreground text: Teaching Group Dynamics: A Guide for Faculty T

Teaching Group Dynamics: A Guide for Faculty

Laura Quirk

What exactly is a flipped classroom? In traditional classes, students learn and acquire content through in-class lectures and do the more difficult work of applying the content by themselves on homework assignments outside of class. Flipping a class reverses this, moving content acquisition for learning outside of the class and moving the application of content into the classroom where students can benefit from the presence of the instructor and their classmates as they learn. In this OER, you will learn how to teach this sort of classroom, the value of this approach, the role of the Professor and how this approach helps students acquire essential employability skills.


Dental and Wellness Office Administration, 2nd Edition

Claire Palvetzian

Dental and Wellness Office Administration, 2nd Edition consists of supplemental materials and activities for students in ADMN 1340: Dental and Wellness Office Administration at Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Ontario.


Let's Talk Careers

Lisa Bauman

This resource is a companion to the Let’s Talk Careers with Career Profs podcast. During the podcast, Lisa Bauman and her colleague Claudia Mellad use the 4-Quadrant Method of Informational Interviews, talking to several guests about their careers. Our guests inspired this companion resource so that their words of wisdom can be shared with a wide audience. Learners will listen to inspiring conversations with selected guests and explore key concepts through interactive activities to take them deeper into concepts related to managing one’s career.


International Trade and Finance, Part 1: Economics of International Trade

Kennrick H. Jordan

International Trade and Finance is a three-part series of open educational resources that connects world events to economic and financial analysis. Part 1 includes a comprehensive overview of the economics of international trade. Part 2 examines organizations' readiness for international expansion and the feasibility of international trade by analyzing risks and costs associated with different countries. Part 3 explores the risks faced by organizations in international trade finance and the financial tools available to mitigate those risks.


International Trade and Finance, Part 2: Feasibility of International Trade

Dina Majid

International Trade and Finance is a three-part series of open educational resources that connects world events to economic and financial analysis. Part 2 examines organizations' readiness for international expansion and the feasibility of international trade by analyzing risks and costs associated with different countries. Part 1 includes a comprehensive overview of the economics of international trade. Part 3 explores the risks faced by organizations in international trade finance and the financial tools available to mitigate those risks.


International Trade and Finance, Part 3: International Trade Finance

Kiranjot Kaur

International Trade and Finance is a three-part series of open educational resources that connects world events to economic and financial analysis. Part 3 explores the risks faced by organizations in international trade finance and the financial tools available to mitigate those risks. Part 1 includes a comprehensive overview of the economics of international trade. Part 2 examines organizations' readiness for international expansion and the feasibility of international trade by analyzing risks and costs associated with different countries.


A white background with diagonal yellow, red, and green lines with the title RCELA: Revue de Cas d'Enseignement en Libre Accès

RCELA: Revue de Cas d’Enseignement en Libre Accès

RCELA est un dépôt pluridisciplinaire de cas d’enseignement réels et de haute qualité pour les étudiants ou étudiantes et professeurs ou professeures qui sont gratuits à utiliser, gratuits à publier, et accessible à tout le monde. Cette revue est soutenue en utilisant des politiques de l’éducation en libre accès (PELA) et s’aligne aux Principes pour l’Éducation de la Gestion Responsable des Nations-Unis (United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education – PRME) en fournissant un processus d’évaluation par les pairs rigoureux qui soutient le développement des auteurs ou auteures des cas, sans l’attente de rémunération financière. La RCELA a un Comité de Rédaction divers et une communauté solide d’évaluateurs d’un large spectre de disciplines.


Cover for the digital textbook Public Procurement.

Introduction to Public Procurement

Jennifer Misangyi

Introduction to Public Procurement introduces students to essential concepts in public procurement including policies and procedures, authority and agency, and the competitive purchasing cycle. This OER also provides an overview of legal considerations that need to be addressed when handling bid documents. The OER is designed to encourage strategic thinking and includes supply chain case examples, real-world scenarios, and landmark case rulings within each chapter. The OER is written as an introductory text for students and is intended to help them understand the procurement process and the competitive bidding process. It will provide students with an overview of the duties and obligations of purchasers in public buying.


Hospital Unit Administration

Nancy Weatherhead

Hospital Unit Administration is an introductory OER for students in medical and health office administration programs about the role of hospital unit coordinators, including the topics of hospital organization, staffing and scheduling, risk management, hospital communication processes, patient care records, registration, surgical procedures, and transfer & discharge.



Crawford Automation – A Guided Application of Structured Problem Solving: Continuous Improvement in Action

Stephen Thomson; Kevin Hollis; and Laurie Turnbull

This is a multimedia-enabled case in which students will be guided, by an industry expert, to apply structured problem-solving that addresses a typical supply chain problem, missing parts. What first appears as the issue may be a symptom of a root cause(s). The case utilizes videos, data files for analytics, audio recording, and videogame-style exercises to find the missing box of parts. The case is a collaboration between the Conestoga Centre for Supply Chain Innovation and ATS Automation and utilizes the ATS Business Model (ABM) approach to identifying and solving root causes. The case can be used in any Continuous Improvement course or program for either Business or Engineering students.


book cover for introduction to french

Introduction to French

Rita Palacios

Introduction to French is a basic French language textbook designed to develop reading, writing, and speaking skills of college students in classrooms across Canada. Different topics will be used to support the use and development of correct grammar skills and vocabulary. The material is presented in a reader-friendly, AODA-compliant way, with audio files accompanying vocabulary lists to reinforce correct pronunciation.


book cover for fundamentals of business canadian edition

Fundamentals of Business: Canadian Edition

Business Faculty from Ontario Colleges and eCampusOntario Program Managers

Fundamentals of Business: Canadian Edition with contributions by Anela Tomac and Michelle Grimes is an introductory textbook in business that covers a variety of topics: The Foundation of Business, Economics and Business, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Business in a Global Environment, Forms of Business Ownership, Entrepreneurship: Starting a Business, Management and Leadership, and more.


introduction to spanish book cover

Introducción al Español

Rita Palacios

Introducción al Español is an introductory Spanish language textbook designed to develop reading, writing, and speaking skills of college students in classrooms across Canada. Different topics will be used to support the use and development of correct grammar skills and vocabulary. The material is presented in a reader-friendly, AODA-compliant way, with audio files accompanying vocabulary lists to reinforce correct pronunciation.

CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Business Math book cover

Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged

Sanja Krajisnik; Carol Leppinen; and Jelena Loncar-Vines

This book provides an introduction to a variety of topics in business math including simple and compound interest, annuities, payment schedules, mortgages, and more. This supplemental textbook covers topics from Chapters 8 to 13 inclusive, adapted from the original Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook by J. Olivier and Lyryx Learning Inc. providing extra resources, examples, and storytelling activities. 


Business Math book cover

Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged Instructor Resources

Jelena Loncar-Vines

This book serves as a companion to Business Math: A Step-by-Step Handbook Abridged, featuring instructor resources centred on storytelling techniques and case studies that align with the examples in the companion OER.


career wellness book cover

Career Guide for Health and Wellness Office Administrative Professionals

Ellen Dilgert

Beginning your first career, or a new career is both exciting and challenging. This book will guide you along the journey towards a successful, fulfilling, and rewarding health or wellness office career. It is a road map to help you navigate the job search through practical and logical steps, including the following:

  • Understand and practice professionalism
  • Plan for your career
  • Research today’s labour market
  •  Create robust self-marketing tools
  •  Build your personal brand
  •  Diversify your job search methods
  • Utilize social media to create a professional digital footprint
  • Master your interview skills to stand out from your competition


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Conestoga College Liberated Learners Resource: How To Learn With Style

Rebecca Duffy; Jenni Hayman; Harpreet Kaur; and Co-designed by Students, Faculty and Staff at Trent University, Brock University, Seneca College, University of Windsor, McMaster University, Cambrian College and Nipissing University

Winner of the 2022 Open Education Global Award for Best OER. This project is based significantly on the original Liberated Learners Pressbooks project (published in February 2022). The resource has four modules: The Learner, The Navigator, The Collaborator, and The Technologist. Taken together, the modules aim to enable a well-rounded and ready-for-almost-anything post-secondary learner.

The program comes with badges, authentic activities, and even has its own bespoke set of chill beats to study to – created by Ontario Post-Secondary students.



CELR3 book cover

Conestoga English Language Reader 3, 2e

Esther Devries-Lasby

This reader includes articles written from the perspective of English Language teachers in Canada. Each chapter explores a different topic, and some articles give students a chance to learn more about the area in Southern Ontario where Conestoga College is located. The language included in the chapter allows intermediate language students to enhance their vocabulary. This includes focusing on a list of 20 target vocabulary words from the Academic Word List in each chapter. Students are encouraged to use this reader to practice reading skills, engage in discussion, form opinions, and learn more words.




Conestoga English Language Reader 4

Lois Molto

This reader includes articles adapted from various sources from the perspective of an English Language teacher in Canada. Each chapter explores a different topic, and some articles give students a chance to learn more about the area in Southern Ontario where Conestoga College is located. The language included in each chapter allows intermediate language students to enhance their vocabulary and reading skills. These skills are further reinforced with comprehension and interactive vocabulary-building questions. This includes focusing on a list of 20 target vocabulary words from the Academic Word List in each chapter. We hope readers will enjoy using this resource to practice reading skills, engage in discussion, form opinions, and learn more words.


building a medical terminology foundation book cover

Building a Medical Terminology Foundation

Kimberlee Carter; Marie Rutherford

Building a Medical Terminology Foundation is an OER that focuses on breaking down medical terms into their word parts, pronouncing medical terms, and learning the meaning of medical terms within the context of introductory anatomy and physiology. This resource is targeted for health office administration and health services students in the first year of their college programs.



Fundamentals of Business Math

Lisa Koster and Tracey Chase

Fundamentals of Business Math is an OER developed to help students achieve success in mathematics. It will provide students with learning tools to develop fundamental mathematic skills and help them to improve basic arithmetic skills and develop reasoning and problem-solving skills.



Global Value Chain

Dr. Kiranjot Kaur and Iuliia Kau

Welcome to Global Value Chain Digital Text Open Educational Resource (OER). This book guides readers through important aspects of Global Value Chain and explains logistics cycle in detail. By reading this book, learners will learn more about Distribution Logistics, Procurement, Sourcing and Outsourcing, Transportation, Inventory Management, Material Handling, Warehousing, Incoterm Rules, Trade Facilitation and Promotion, Vulnerability in global value chains, Sustainable value chains, Reverse Logistics, Role of ICT in value chain and Humanitarian Logistics. This is not a comprehensive list, there are other relevant and recent concepts included in the book to enhance readers’ knowledge about International Business, International Trade, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Global Value Chain.



Introduction to French, 2nd edition

Rita Palacios and Edited by Michelle Schwartz

Introduction to French is a basic French language textbook designed to develop reading, writing, and speaking skills of college students in classrooms across Canada. Different topics will be used to support the use and development of correct grammar skills and vocabulary. The material is presented in a reader-friendly, AODA-compliant way, with audio files accompanying vocabulary lists to reinforce correct pronunciation and H5P interactives included to engage and reinforce learning.


Introduction to Logistics

Robert Adzija and co-author

Introduction to Logistics is an introduction to logistics with a focus on moving and storing products in supply chains. This OER includes interactive components, activities, and links to external resources that will inspire learners to deepen their understanding of logistics in supply chains.



Listening Strategies for Success

Larissa Conley and Sarah Darling

Listening Strategies for Success enables English language learners to develop academic listening and note-taking skills. Students at the high-beginner/low-intermediate level listen to conversations and presentations on everyday topics such as holidays, food, and travel. Using interactive activities, students learn useful vocabulary and check their understanding. Each chapter introduces a strategy that can be used to improve listening comprehension and note-taking. Discussion questions provide extension activities.



OATCJ: Open Access Teaching Case Journal

OATCJ: Open Access Teaching Case Journal is a multi-disciplinary repository of quality, real-world teaching cases for students and instructors that are free-to-use, free-to-publish, and accessible to all. The journal is supported using open educational practices and is aligned with the United Nations Principles of Responsible Management (PRME) by providing a rigorous and developmentally supportive peer-review process for case authors without the expectation of financial renumeration. OATCJ has a diverse Editorial Board and a robust reviewer community from a broad spectrum of disciplines. 

Instructor’s manual abstracts are copyrighted by the case authors. Cases are licensed on an individual basis; please see the case for associated licensing.



Procurement in the Supply Chain World

Angela Reid-Regier and Bryan Snage

This book guides students through the important aspects of procurement. Readers will learn what procurement is, the different strategies involved in procurement, how to find and select suppliers, how to manage suppliers, how to evaluate whether to outsource, how to manage subcontractors, how to evaluate and manage global suppliers and how to be an ethical procurement professional.


Therapeutic Communication for Health Care Administrators book cover

Therapeutic Communication for Health Care Administrators

Kimberlee Carter; Marie Rutherford; and Connie Stevens

Therapeutic Communication for Health Care Administrators is a set of Digital Text OER intended for learners preparing for positions in front-line healthcare settings. Recognizing the diverse titles for these types of roles, we intend that the title Health Care Administrator is an umbrella term that includes all types of front-line Health Care Administrators. This OER is intended to be used with its companion Therapeutic Communications for Health Care Administrators Game Simulations.


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