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1st/2nd/3rd Person Point of View

1st / 2nd / 3rd person refers to the point of view that a writer uses in a paper. Review the different purpose of each below.

First person is used to indicate the writer's point of view. First person can be used when the writer is asked to give his/her own conclusions, opinion, or a reflection.

Examples of 1st person words:

I, Me, My
We, Us, Our

Examples of 1st person in a sentence:
I believe that my next clinical experience will be interesting.

We hope to finish our assignment soon.

Second person is used when the writer is talking to the readers. Second person can be used when the writer is giving commands, instructions, or processes.

Example of 2nd person words:
You, Your

Examples of 2nd person in a sentence:
You must talk to your doctor as soon as you have symptoms.

Ensure all contact information is correct.
(With imperative sentences like this one, you is understood to be the subject.)

Third person is used to indicate the person or thing being written about. Third person is the most commonly used point of view in academic writing

Examples of 3rd person words:

He, Him, His, She, Her, Hers, It, They, Them, Their
One, Anybody, Someone, Everyone, Anything       
Nurses, Clients, Staff, Students, Children

Example of 3rd person in a sentence:

Nurses should refer to their health manuals often.
Everybody attended the meeting on Thursday.