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Highlighted Library Titles

The titles highlight below are available in either print or electronic format.  Click on the book cover to determine the call number for print items or use the Available Online link to gain immediate full-text access. This is not a comprehensive list but a sample of selections available through the Library. Search Page1+ for more sources. 

Public Relations

The Public Relations Handbook
Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street
Strategic Public Relations Leadership
Managing Public Relations
Public Relations as a Creative Industry
The Routledge Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication
Public Relations and Communications
Intercultural Public Relations

Human Resources

Human Resources Management : Competencies for HR Professionals
The Role of HR in the Transforming Workplace
HR Unleashed!!
People Operations
The New HR
How to Get Ahead in Hr
The 9 Faces of HR
Digitalization of Work


A Smarter Toronto
Feature Writing and Reporting
Hybrid Investigative Journalism
The International Journalism Handbook
Mastering beats in journalism : specialized reporting, editing and emerging technologies in the digital era
First-Person Journalism
Introduction to Narrative Journalism

Digital Communications

Digital Communication Techniques
Crisis Communication in the Digital Age : Manage or Rampage
Memes, Emojis, and Other Digital Signs: a Semiotic Perspective
Digital Communications 1
Digital Communications 2
Writing for Electronic Media
Digital Platforms and the Press


Communication and Media Ethics
Media ethics : issues and cases
Media relations : issues and strategies
Digital Dilemmas
Controversies in Digital Ethics
Ethics in Public Relations
Exploring Communication Ethics
Social Media Communication