There are numerous search categories in Page 1+. Review the options below to target your search.

- You want to explore the broadest variety of sources
- Your topic is very interdisciplinary or very current
- You already have the title of an article you want
What will I find if I choose Articles, Books and Video?
- Articles from magazines, newspapers and academic journals
- books and eBooks, including individual chapters
- Video and Streaming video
- Encyclopedia entries
- Reports
- Conference proceedings
- Other types of documents
- You want more current information of a topic
- You want detailed information on a specific topic
Choose Books if:
- You want book-length treatments of a topic
- You want to search Conestoga's shelves for books, as well as eBooks
- You want detailed audio/visual information on a topic
- You want to search Conestoga's shelves for videos, as well as streaming video
- You want to see if Library Services has one or more of your textbooks available for loan or online access
- You want book-length treatments of a topic (print-based only)
- You want to search beyond what Conestoga has, to request resources from other colleges
- You want to take the next step beyond Page 1+
- You want to access all our databases, even though not covered by Page 1+.