The Library provides a wide array of streaming videos for Nursing. The Mosby's Nursing Skills collection and the Health Portal Streamed Video Series are Nursing-focused. Films on Demand, although more general in scope, includes a Nursing collection, and also a Health & Medicine collection. Kanopy allows you to browse subjects such as Health, Medicine, Nursing, and so on.
This resource is flash-based. As of December 31, 2020, Adobe is no longer supporting Flash Player, and beginning on January 12, 2021 Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player. Updated versions of many of these videos can be found through the Library's Films on Demand subscription, as part of the Clinical Skills Essentials Collection. Videos on similar topics can also be found in the Library's Nursing Education in Video - Medcom Collection.
This resource is flash-based. As of December 31, 2020, Adobe is no longer supporting Flash Player, and beginning on January 12, 2021 Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player. Updated versions of many of these videos can be found through the Library's Films on Demand subscription, as part of the Clinical Skills Essentials Collection. Videos on similar topics can also be found in the Library's Nursing Education in Video - Medcom Collection.
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