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Your Scholar Profile

Communicate the story of who you are as a scholar by creating and maintaining your Scholar Profile. Showcase your works, accomplishments, networks, and interests.

Benefits of a Scholar Profile

Your Scholar Profile, built around a unique author identifier (e.g. ORCiD) can:

  • Boost research visibility
  • Enhance citation chances
  • Supply citation metrics
  • Ensure correct attribution by linking name variations and distinguishing your works from others with similar names
  • Connect with collaborators/funders
  • Increase job opportunities
  • Elevate your field standing
  • Link work from various sites

Attribution: Benefits of a Scholar Profile” section is reused from Teaching and Research guides: Researcher profiles and ORCID,” RMIT University, licensed CC BY-NC.

Profile Tools

Explore the following tools and start creating your scholarly profile.

What is a Google Scholar Profile?

Google Scholar consolidates a researcher's outputs and citation metrics. Use your profile to share your research and find collaborators. Making it public boosts your visibility in search results.

  • Auto-populated list of publications
  • Citation tracking tool
    • See who cites your work
    • Graphs citations over time
    • Computes metrics (h-index, i10-index)
  • Showcase non-traditional formats and add missing items manually
Getting Started:
  1. Set up your Google Scholar Profile.
  2. Follow tips for setting up and making it public.
  3. Track citations to your publications.
  4. Configure settings for automatic updates.

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What is an ORCID?

An ORCID number uniquely identifies you as a researcher. This persistent identifier links to a consolidated record of your academic work, which can be shared with researchers, funders, publishers, and repositories.

Watch this video to learn more about ORCID

ORCID offers:

  • A unique identifier (ORCID iD) for researchers
  • An ORCID record linked to the ORCID number
  • Integration with profile tools (e.g., Scopus) for importing publication data
  • A solution to connect name variations to one identifier and distinguish common names
  • Account management by the researcher
Getting Started with an ORCID iD
Managing Your ORCID Using the Search & Link Import Wizards

Use the “Search & Link” tool to add research outputs like peer-reviewed articles to your ORCID record. This tool can connect to organizations and databases to ensure data accuracy.

  1. Select Search & Link to see a list of author ID sources.
  2. Choose an organization or database (e.g., Scopus—Elsevier).
  3. Select Authorize and follow the steps to choose relevant publications to connect your ORCID with Scopus.

Watch this video to learn more about importing using ORCID

Managing Your ORCID Using BibTeX to Add Works from Other Sources

For databases or platforms without a direct ORCID connection (e.g., Library Search/Page 1+, Google Scholar, EndNote), import citations using BibTeX (.bib) files.

Note: Use the Search & Link import function (instead of BibTex) when possible to avoid inconsistencies. However, to add BibTex files,

  1. Select Add BibTeX to import publications.
  2. Select Choose the BibTeX (.bib) file to import and select the file.
  3. Select Save (disk icon) next to a desired publication or Save All to add all at once.
  4. Publications will appear under the Works section of your record, with you listed as the source.

Attribution: “Managing Your ORCID Record” is adapted from Teaching and Research guides: Researcher profiles and ORCID,” RMIT University, licensed CC BY-NC.

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What is a Scopus Author Profile?

Scopus is a citation and abstract database used by academics to find relevant literature. It offers citation tracking and author profiles, which are automatically generated for authors with work in Scopus. These profiles raise the visibility of your work and provide document, author and journal metrics to demonstrate impact.

Check Your Author Profile in Scopus

Scopus creates a profile when you have two or more publications indexed.

  1. Open Scopus.
  2. Use the Authors tab to search by name and affiliation.
  3. If you find a record for yourself, review and update your profile information.
  4. Affiliate your profile with the Conestoga College research profile.
Managing Your Author Profile

Use the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard to update your profile.

Linking Scopus Author ID to ORCID

Connect your Scopus Author ID to your ORCID iD to link your records.

  1. Login to ORCID.
  2. In the Works section, select Add and then Search & Link.
  3. Select Scopus—Elsevier and authorize.
  4. Follow the steps to send Scopus author details to ORCID.
Setting Up Email Notifications

Set alerts to receive email notifications for new documents by an author or when a document is cited. Learn more about Scopus Alerts on their website.

Conestoga College Example

Amin Yazdani, Conestoga College (Scopus Profile)

Attribution:This section reuses material from “Teaching and Research guides: Researcher profiles and ORCID,” RMIT University, licensed CC BY-NC.

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Contact Juliet Conlon, Scholarly Communications Librarian at