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A recent update to Techstreet may impact saved pdfs. If you are unable to open previously downloaded pdfs, please re-download the document.

Access standards from SAE, ICC, IEEE, ISO, and more. To request a standard we don't have, or if you have questions or technical difficulties, please email Please note that only downloaded pdf standards from AS require FileOpen to be installed.  CSA standards are now available through CSA OnDemand.

Accessing Techstreet Enterprise

Required Software for pdf downloads and AS standards:

To download pdfs, be sure you:

  1. Install Adobe Reader (free for Mac and PC)
  2. Install FileOpen (free) and Only for AS standards.


Adobe Acrobat Reader icon
FileOpen icon
Open Techstreet

Open Techstreet Enterprise and search for a standard.

Google Chrome Warning

You Must Disable PDF Viewer in Google Chrome for AS standards only

PDF Viewer is enabled by default in Chrome. You must disable this feature to view AS standards. See the "Techstreet and Google Chrome" link below for instructions.

Common Questions and Issues

For more information please review the guides below, visit the Techstreet Enterprise Help Centre, or contact the ETT Library Team.

Why is the PDF Blank?

If you attempt to open a PDF and it is blank, that usually means that the FileOpen plug-in has not yet been installed successfully. The FileOpen plug-in is required to view Secure PDFs.  If you have installed FileOpen and still see a plank PDF, confirm you did not change the name of the file when you saved it and that you are opening the pdf from the saved location on your computer. 

Printing Problems?

If you are unable to print, try downloading a new copy of your file. If you are still unable to print, and you are using Acrobat Reader, use the following instructions:

  1. Open Acrobat Reader.

  2. Click on the Edit option in the menu bar.

  3. Select Preferences.

  4. Select Security (Enhanced).

  5. Uncheck the box that says Enable Protected Mode at Startup.

  6. Restart Acrobat Reader.

  7. Open your file.

Those steps should enable printing. If you continue to have difficulties, please contact the ETT Library Team.

Note: Some publishers restrict the number of times documents can be printed.

What's a Secure PDF?

A Secure PDF is a file containing features that prevent reproduction or distribution to other users, in the same way that users are prohibited from making copies of printed documents. This security feature simply enforces existing copyright laws.

Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader and the FileOpen plug-in are required to view Secure PDFs.