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Assistive Technologies

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To make an appointment for Assistive Technology support, use the appointment booking tool below. Alternatively, please email us.

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Assistive Technology Overview

Students registered with Accessible Learning have access to many different assistive technologies to support their learning.

What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive Technology (AT) is any equipment used to increase efficiency, maintain function, or improve the capability of individuals with disabilities. Students use Assistive Technology to research, write, and study more effectively.  


  • Text-to-Speech Software: speaks everything on a computer screen, including alternative format textbooks, website text etc.
  • Speech-to-text Software: allows the user to say commands and to enter text using their voice
  • Recording devices: allows the user to capture information presented verbally (i.e.lectures) to review at a later time
  • Frequency Modulation (FM) Systems: transmits an instructor’s voice directly to the student at a constant level, ensuring that the instructor’s voice is heard above the level of background noise
  • Mind-mapping software: allows the user to organize their ideas through web-diagrams and create visual linkages between concepts
  • Word Prediction: predicts words on the basis of the first few letters typed, which allows users to select the required word from a drop down menu

Adapted from College Committee on Disability Issues (CCDI): LD Resource Guide, 2008

Assistive Technology Available

Our labs are equipped with computers, height-adjustable desks, printers, scanners, software programs and devices to support a wide variety of learning needs.

AT available at all Conestoga campuses:

  • Text-to-speech software: Read&Write
  • Speech-to-text: Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Screen Magnifier: ZoomText
  • Screen reader: JAWS
  • Mind-mapping software: Mindview
  • Note taking support: Glean, Digital recorders, Smart Pens
  • Alternative keyboards and mice