Regulations of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) address the need to provide alternate formats upon request. These may include captioning (CC) or described video (DV).
To add the CC/DV to a media resource, the original copyright holder must provide written permission to add the accessible feature(s) to their work. We can assist with this process.
The Library ensures all DVDs purchased include Closed Captioning, and strives to ensure all streaming media collections to which it subscribes provide Closed Captioning as well.
Some older resources may not contain such features. Please contact Alternate Formats to request accessible formats of library-owned media resources.
The Alternate Formats team assists faculty with the sourcing of accessible media alternatives for video utilized in their courses, including closed captioning and described video.
The Alternate Formats team may also be able to assist with captioning of video produced by faculty (e.g. lecture recordings) depending on volume of content.
All Accessible Media requests & inquiries can be directed to Alternate Formats.