Quizzes and tests created in eConestoga need to be downloaded from eConestoga and copied to the appropriate PEQAB documentation folder. Unfortunately, the ASSET tool cannot extract quizzes and tests.
Watch the video below for a demonstration of the process or access written instructions below.
In eConestoga go to Course Tools > Quizzes > select the down arrow beside the desired Quiz > select Grade > then select the desired student work sample. There are two options for creating a digital file:
- Save/Print to PDF: This is preferred method. Please use Chrome, as results vary with other browsers
- Select and highlight only the CONTENT of the quiz and not the top and bottom menus/bars on the page. Make sure you capture the entire Quiz. Please don’t use CTRL-A to select all, as it will also select other areas of the page.
- Right-click on the highlighted content and select Print (or CTRL-P)
- Change the Destination printer to Save as PDF
- Select More Settings and play around with the settings (e.g. Layout, Paper Size and Scale) until you’re satisfied. N.B. Make sure “Selection Only” is selected; this ensures nothing gets cut off between pages.
- Select Save, and rename to append “_min”, “_avg”, or “_ex” to the filename(s) of the student work
- Add the file(s) to the relevant PEQAB folder
2. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the content into a Word document
- Select all the content in the quiz
- Copy (Ctrl+A) and Paste (Ctrl+V) into empty document
- Save as PDF and rename to append “_min”, “_avg”, or “_ex” to the filename(s) of the student work
- Add the file(s) to the relevant PEQAB folder