This module provides information for those who are not too familiar with computers. You can find useful information on computer basics such as hardware and software, the mouse, the keyboard, and more.
The physical components of the computer are called hardware. This includes the devices users use to interact with the computer, such as mice and keyboards, and accessories (aka peripherals) like web cams or printers. Here are some basic guides on computer hardware. The links below all open in new tabs.
Software includes the apps and programs that tell the computer to perform functions. Here are some guides on computer software. The links below all open in new tabs/windows.
Computers are designed to support ease of use for everyone and have accessibility features that may make your learning and work easier. Review the guides below to learn more. Links below open in new tabs.
The following guides cover Windows software. The links below all open in new tabs/windows.
These simple guides will help you make better informed decisions about what type of computer to purchase. Links below open in new tabs/windows.