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Hypothesis: What is it?

hypothesis logo
Hypothesis is a collaborative annotation tool meant to be used with digital texts, web pages, PDFs and more. You can create your own personal notes or share them with others. It can be used as a browser extension, bookmark, or built into a learning management system.


Hypothesis: Why use it?

person with question marks above head
You may encounter Hypothesis in the classroom. Your professor may use it for discussions, analyzing written content, posting questions and answers. You can use it yourself as well to review content, critically analyze a text or other course reading, or jot down reminders or questions you have about a passage. This type of in-depth analysis helps develop critical thinking and analysis skills as well as fostering discussion and building on learning .

Hypothesis: How do I use it?

four hands raised with the letters (from left to right) HELP
Review the videos and pages below to get started using Hypothesis or click on More Information to go to the Hypothesis Help and Support page.


Hypothesis Video Tutorials

For more tutorials visit the How To Use Hypothesis Social Annotation Tutorials playlist.



Hypothesis logo downloaded from the Hypothesis: Brand Kit

Symbol icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

Hypothesis. (2019, January 9). Annotating in the LMS for students [Online video]. YouTube.

Touro Libraries. (2019, September 18). Introduction to web annotation with Hypothesis [Online video]. YouTube.