Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Since entries in online dictionaries and encyclopedias can be updated regularly, include a retrieval statement with the date accessed before the URL for online sources without a DOI.
Entry in a Dictionary, Thesaurus, or Encyclopedia, with Group or Individual Author with DOI or URL
Author, A. (Year). Title of entry. In Title of dictionary or encyclopedia. DOI or Retrieval statement including the full URL
Entry in a Dictionary, Thesaurus, or Encyclopedia Without a DOI, Accessed from Library Database or in Print
Author, A. (Year).Title of entry. In Title of dictionary (# ed.). Publisher.
Radford, E., & Radford, M. A. (2007). Door. In Encyclopedia of superstitions. Philosophical Library.
Entry in a Dictionary, Thesaurus, or Encyclopedia With Author and Editor
Author, A. (Year). Title of Entry. In E. Editor (Ed.), Title of dictionary or encyclopedia. DOI or Retrieval statement including the full URL or Publisher
Wikipedia Entry
Title of entry. (Year). In Wikipedia. Retrieved Month day, year, from URL