Journal Articles
Always include the DOI if available. For articles accessed from the library database with no DOI, do not include a URL. Otherwise, include the URL if the source was accessed from a website.
Journal Article
Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume(issue), page # - page #. DOI or URL (if available)
Example - With a DOI
Smokowski, P. R., & Kopasz, K. H. (2005). Bullying in schools: An overview of types, effects, family characteristics, and intervention strategies.
Children & Schools, 27(2), 100-110.
Example - With a URL
Example - Without a DOI. Accessed from a Library Database, or in Print
Vermeyden, A., & Mohamed, E. (2020). Making Canada Home: Snapshots of Syrian and Iraqi Newcomer Cultural Production in the Waterloo Region, 2016-2019. Refuge, 36(1), 30-39.
Article from the UpToDate Database
Articles in the UpToDate database are only available there. These references include a retrieval statement because the information in these articles changes.
Author, A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Database. Retrieval statement.
Morey, M. C. (2019). Physical activity and exercise in older adults. UpToDate. Retrieved July 22, 2019.