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Changes to the Academic Offence tab in the Employee Portal

To foster a culture of integrity that supports both faculty and students, there will be changes to the Academic Offences tab in the Employee Portal. These changes are scheduled for Thursday, May 9, 2024.

Ultimately, these updates aim to provide consistent wording aligned with the Academic Offences policy and procedure, encourage consistency when navigating and filing academic incidents, and allow for equitable penalty application when an Academic Integrity Violation (AIV) has occurred. 

As of this date, faculty can expect the following updates:

  1.  Up to One Warning Per Student Record: Students can receive only up to one warning on their academic incident record. If a student has received a warning, or received an offence for their first AIV, faculty will only be able to select an offence for any subsequent AIV.
    • This update encourages a progressive and incremental approach that is consistently and fairly applied to each incident.
  2.  Disclaimer Before Filing: This disclaimer encourages procedural fairness when navigating the academic integrity procedure.
    • Faculty are required to acknowledge that they have followed the proper academic integrity procedure.
    • The update is to dissuade procedural irregularity and mitigate invalid appeals.
  3. Adjustments to the ‘Add Supporting Documents’ Section: Faculty can “hide” certain document uploads so that students cannot view them in their Student Portal.
    • This update eliminates the possibility of students downloading and sharing confidential information (e.g., screenshots of testing materials, other student identifiers, etc.).
  4. New Email Template for Student Document: The Academic Integrity Office has developed a comprehensive document with email templates to students that faculty can utilize when communicating with students during the investigation process.
    • This update provides faculty with greater efficiency in the communication process.
  5.  Name Change of Tab: The Employee Portal tab will be renamed “Integrity Violations.”
    • This update ensures consistent wording with other Academic Integrity documents.

For more information, please contact Cory Scurr, Manager of Academic Integrity.