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Reporting an Academic Incident

When you suspect a possible academic integrity violation in your course, please follow the Procedure for Academic Incidents to ensure students receive a fair process. 

Decisions are made based on the balance of probabilities. After considering all available evidence from the assessment and from the student, if it is more likely than not that the student committed misconduct, please file an academic incident on the Employee Portal using the Academic Offences tab.

However, in light of the recent removal of the Citing & Referencing Omissions category, we encourage faculty not to consider existing Citing & Referencing Omissions incidents (if a student has one) when deciding on a penalty for a new academic incident.

Faculty Best Practices

  • Tip #1: If you select a "warning", you cannot apply an academic penalty. You can only apply an academic penalty if you select "offence"
  • Tip #2: Allow time between filing incidents to allow students to learn from and correct their actions.

Assign academic penalties based on a progressive and incremental approach.

If a student has no prior incident or for minor incidents, we encourage faculty to file a warning and grade "in rubric" and deduct grades for unoriginal work. As of May 2024, if a student has already received a warning or received an offence for their first academic incident, students can only receive an offence for any subsequent academic incidents.

However, in light of the recent removal of the Citing & Referencing Omissions category, we encourage faculty not to consider existing Citing & Referencing Omissions incidents (if a student has one) when deciding on a penalty for a new academic incident.

For the full list of Academic Penalites, please review Penalties for Academic Incidents.

For an explanation of the Academic Penalities, please review Academic Penalities Explaination.